Weiss signed earrings. They are 1 3/8" high and over
1/2" wide. The large stones have an aurora borealis coating
that makes them change from dark blue, to violet and to aqua
highlights. Set in silver plate.
[ larger view] [ back
view] $65.00 #102003D
Weiss signed bracelet and earrings. It is in wonderful
condition. The bracelet is 6 7/8" long and 1"
wide. The earrings are 1" across. [larger view] [back
view] $165.00 #051404-1
Weiss signed thermoset plastic and aurora borealis coated
sparkling earrings. Excellent condition but please note that
even though both clips are signed Weiss, they have different
shaped clip backs. The rest of the mechanism is identical.
[larger view] [back
view] $75.00 #101303C
This Weiss set is so much more 'wow' than the scans. It just
vibrates with color. The brooch is signed and it measures
2" by 2 1/4". The earrings are unsigned but
clearly go with the brooch. Another example that we
shouldn't separate sets. Fabulous condition. [ larger
view] [ back view]
$375.00 #021302K